Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Friends and Other Sadnesses.

Today, two of my friends were laughing at an old journal they used to pass between them and two other girls in middle school. They were cracking up and it was all I could do to not cry. I'm probably just moody, but it brought back painful memories.

Parties I wasn't invited to.

Inside jokes I was on the outside of.

Classes spent without my only friend.

Days spent totally alone.

It's funny because my friends don't even remember that. They don't know how it felt to be on the outside looking in. They're two of my best friends now and they don't even know that I felt totally alone when I was with them... for two years straight. That's something I just can't tell them.

So let them laugh about the "good old days" of middle school.

Ah yes. The good old days.

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