PLEASE. It's so. freaking. annoying.
"Oh my god, Josh asked Megan!!!"
"No way!!! Oh my word guess what?! I heard a rumor that so-and-so was going to ask you!"
"Not possible! I told him to ask so-and-so, and he's like, 'Yeah totally!'"
"NO WAY...."
Shut up. Just shut up.
I honestly could care less who gets asked to prom by whom. I don't care! I probably won't have a date, even though I'd be happy to go with somebody. But do I care? No! I could care less if nobody asks me to prom, I might go do something else that night anyway. I have better things to do (:
But seriously? This next month is pure torture. EVERY SINGLE GIRL HAS NOTHING ELSE TO DO BUT TALK ABOUT PROM.
I like shopping for dresses. I like a little bit of planning dinners. I like a little bit of the suspense of who is going to ask who. But I can only take so much of it. And I can't get away from it.
Like right now, I'm in a coffee shop and two girls behind me are talking about it.
Waiting for prom to be over. I mean come on, it's just a dance people. lol
I understand what you are saying... but I still hope you go :)